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Full Boundary Retracements Properly Identifies Boundaries

Boundary Retracements by Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC

When it comes to property development, accurately identifying property boundaries is a major step in the process. However, some clients mistakenly believe that simply locating a single property pin or monument will suffice for their project needs or to settle a boundary dispute.

While this approach might seem cost-effective and straightforward, it often leads to incomplete and potentially problematic results. For proper identification of property boundaries, full boundary retracements, Land Survey Plats (LSPs), or Improvement Survey Plats (ISPs) are what should be done.

Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC aims to explain the potential pitfalls of relying solely on reconnaissance and monument location services. We also want our clients to understand precisely why investing in comprehensive land surveying services provided by our team is always the best approach for your development project or boundary dispute!

The Limitations of Monument Location Services for Property Boundaries

Property pin with boundary retracement services

It is not uncommon for clients to request that we locate "just one pin" on their parcel of land. 

Resolving a boundary dispute with a neighbor, determining the current location of a fence, or preparing for a future property improvement may make locating “just one pin” seem like a simple solution. Reconnaissance and monument location services are certainly part of the full boundary retracement process, stopping at just locating one pin is inadequate.

A single property pin cannot accurately ensure property boundaries. So when we only focus on locating specific pins or monuments, crucial information about the overall boundary lines could be missed.

For instance, if a property pin is missing or has been displaced, simply identifying the remaining pins will not provide a complete picture of the property's boundaries. This approach can lead to misunderstandings or disputes down the line, especially if the boundaries need to be officially documented or enforced for property development projects. 

In order to reestablish or set any missing monuments, a full boundary retracement, combined with the creation of a Land Survey Plat (LSP), Improvement Survey Plat (ISP), or ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey is needed.


Why Full Boundary Retracements and Survey Plats Are Essential

A full boundary retracement, combined with the creation of a Land Survey Plat (LSP), Improvement Survey Plat (ISP), or ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey, offers a comprehensive solution for accurately defining property boundaries in full.

Boundary retracement with Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC

These more in-depth services do not merely locate existing pins but also re-establish any missing or misplaced monuments. This is done by examining neighboring corners and other relevant boundary markers.

Without a full boundary retracement, there is absolutely no guarantee that the identified monuments accurately reflect the true property boundaries. The full retracement process involves detailed research and on-the-ground investigation to ensure that all property lines are correctly identified and documented. We provide this at Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC!

This not only provides clarity for the current property owner but also offers legal protection and a clear record for future transactions or developments.

The Importance of Certified Survey Documents for Property Boundaries

Another significant advantage of conducting a full boundary retracement with a Land Survey Plat, Improvement Survey Plat, or ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey is that it provides a certified document depicting the results of the survey. This document acts as a snapshot that offers a reliable reference for property boundaries. In turn, it can be used in legal situations, future property sales, or construction planning.

Relying solely on a reconnaissance and monument location service lacks the comprehensive documentation needed for long-term peace of mind. Certified survey documents that we provide ensure that property boundaries are clearly defined, reducing the risk of future disputes and providing a solid foundation for any development project.

Comprehensive Surveying Services for Accurate Property Boundaries

Reconnaissance and monument location services play a role in this process; however, they should not necessarily be the endpoint. At Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC, we understand the importance of accurately identifying and documenting property boundaries.

For complete and accurate boundary identification, a full boundary retracement combined with a Land Survey Plat, Improvement Survey Plat, or ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey is the right move. Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC has expertise in each of these land surveying options and provides reliable deliverables for all types of clients.

Click here to start the boundary retracement process with us today!


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